is a venture project by Agnian and has a goal of supporting travellers in finding hotels and guesthouses on the seaside shore of Georgia. It is one of the largest hotel and hospitality portals focusing specifically on the Black Sea coast resorts of Georgia. The coast is a very popular vacation destination for tourists from all over Europe.

Agnian created the portal to help tourists find the best affordable hotels, learn about food and cuisine of Georgia. Tavelers can use filtering functionality on the portal to book online hotel rooms. In case of questions regarding the prices, availability, services, travelers can contact directly to the owners of hotels and guesthouses without tour agencies. is not a travel agency and is not affiliated with any travel agency. Hotel owners can register themselves on the portal, have their page on the site and place the information about their hotel's services, photos, videos and detailed description of their premises.

Information on the portal is constantly updated, constantly increasing the number presented on the portal hotels and guest houses, updated general information about Georgia and its attractions, which makes the portal interesting and practical, helping to increase the popularity of the portal, rankings and traffic. The portal advertises hotels and guesthouses not only in Georgia but also in Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries. More than 4,000 people visit the portal every day during the season.